Free! - Green Apple Placemat Pattern
Time was flying by so quickly before Easter that I didn't have enough time properly prepare. I found some decoration in my wardrobe but I...
I'm working on a new granny bag
I'm working now on a new granny square project. I decided to crochet something with Scheepjes Cahlista, which is 100% un-mercerized...
Everything gets better with coffee and yarn!
Haven't you got enough time for big crochet projects? Do you like to decorate your home? Then this project is perfect for you! It takes...
Mossy Oak - coffee placemat pattern
Make your coffee table unique with „MOSSY OAK” handmade crochet placemats! I took a hike with my family in February. We went through a...
My little hipster barista
Today was carnival at school. This is my little barista. :) I have sewed and designed his apron using old jeans. Tatoos made by his...