Deep Ocean Baby Blanket pattern is ready
I've used the beautiful Scheepjes Cahlista 391 Deep Ocean Green yarn for these granny squares. The blanket reminds me of the treasures of...
The way a bird sings
I would like to crochet the way a bird sings. :) Beautiful and simple, from the core of my heart. With Love, Bori
Stars are little holes in the floor of heaven.
When was the last time you were lying on the grass and staring at the sky? With Love, Bori
"Fantasy is an everlasting spring."
I've started to crochet a new "ganny square" project. I enjoy crocheting and the endless variations in colors. "Fantasy is an everlasting...
New - Blue Mountain Bag Pattern
Mountains are always calling me. On workdays during a coffee break I close my eyes and I can remember the mountains amazing colors and...
Blue Autumn
Just look up to the sky! Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower! I've finished my new crocheted phone case pattern...
Everything gets better with coffee and yarn!
Haven't you got enough time for big crochet projects? Do you like to decorate your home? Then this project is perfect for you! It takes...
Light it up blue!
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18 These days in our town children, mothers...
My little hipster barista
Today was carnival at school. This is my little barista. :) I have sewed and designed his apron using old jeans. Tatoos made by his...